Yes, she seriously did weave a shawl based on my coloring. If you don't like being stared at, imagine what it's like to have someone holding cones of yarn up to you, matching colors.
Well, Buddy. Nobody has called me Nezbine in years.
They couldn't remember it, and I didn't answer to it anyway.
Oh Nezbine you are so lovely, may I offer you some salmon??? How fortunate that your gal pal makes such a beautiful weaving to celebrate your loveliness....
Mmmm, salmon...
Huh? Did you say something?
Buddy, welcome to the Cat Blogosphere! You are just beautiful and I love how you've inspired Laura. Her water colors and weaving are absolutely gorgeous. I have some ideas for a Catzee weaving, but they really haven't hatched well yet.
Hi Leigh! Thanks for the welcome.
If you weave something inspired by Catzee let me know, I'd like to lie on it. Especially if it has some alpaca in it. Then I'll drool, too.
Laura is very talented, those are lovely watercolours. The photo of you on the woven rug is adorable :)
Oh, we love those pictures of you!
Thanks for all the compliments on my beauty. I think of myself more as tough, but I don't mind being beautiful too, as long as you don't stare.
Laura says to say thanks for saying nice stuff about her sketches & weaving. You already know what *I* think of them.
Well, now that the weaving is done I guess it's okay for lying on.
simply beautiful, all of them
Thanks, Honey. When I first saw your note I thought you meant my names! That would mean you have unusual taste, even for a cat.
Well I can understand why she would want to make that quilt to match your handsome colouring nezbine :)
Her watercolours of you are very nice as well.I think she has managed to capture your toughness very well. :-D
o.k. well...not really. She actually captured your fluffy softness very well. That means that you'll just have to give her some tough poses next time.;o)
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